A Lifetime is Ment for Changing. Things happen, time flys and memories are made. Always remain true to you. At the end of your journey, you don't want to look back and say "What if...."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Farmers Markets = Yummy Savings

I love to shop. I don't care what it is that I am shopping for, I really enjoy it. I love shopping for clothes, makeup, shoes, food, others, etc. More than shopping I enjoy a great bargain. I am trying to get into doing the coupon thing (though I don't know how well that will work for me since organization is not my strong point. Ask hubby!...lol). In the mean time I love to buy things on sale, especially food. The problem is that when you are trying to eat healthier and cleaner... Everything is super expensive in the supermarket. Even the "sales" aren't really sales. I've spent $50 on just veggies and fruits at the supermarket in the past. The worst part is that this stuff usually goes bad after a couple of days. Double bummer!

I love going to my local Farmers Market because you get to pick from local veggies and fruits. They are super affordable and yummy. To me, they smell yummier, taste yummier and just last so much longer. I went to the farmers market yesterday after the supermarket and guess how much I spent? READY??? I only spent $25 and I came home with lots of goodies. I got some raspberries, bananas, carrots, celery, broccoli, plum tomatoes, sweet potatoes, lettuce, grape tomatoes, green beans and sun dried tomatoes (these are super expensive in the supermarket yet I paid only $2.49 there). All the yummines for a fraction of the price.

Support your local farmers market and also get the best of what the season has to offer!!!

Okay, everyone til next time.
Don't forget to check me out on youtube for the latest videos, etc. Here is a link to my page:

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