A Lifetime is Ment for Changing. Things happen, time flys and memories are made. Always remain true to you. At the end of your journey, you don't want to look back and say "What if...."

Friday, April 29, 2011

It's been a while...

It's been a very long time since I've blogged. I've been so busy and honestly have forgotten to come in and just give a quick update, etc. In reality this is not an excuse. We make the time and I should be more responsible when it comes to my blogging. I will try my best to come and update my blog frequently.

Since my last blog... My hair went from brown to red to black...lol... I've had it black for a while now. I've also been letting it grow out but already its becoming a hassle...lol... The short hair just seems much easier to manage.




In March, hubby and I were blessed with a niece (God Daughter) which we've waited 15 yrs to arrive. After 15 yrs of trying, my sister in law and her wonderful husband were blessed with our little munchkin!!!
Gigi and Me... She is a little fashionista already!!!

In the process, I've been trying to get healthy so that hubby and I can start trying for another baby. It's been pretty tough since I have PCOS and it makes it really hard to lose the weight. I know I can do this, it is just going to take hard work and perseverance. At the end we will be blessed when we hold our baby. We are hoping for a little girl but will be truly blessed with either one!!! Send baby dust our way please!!!!

I've also been working on some home projects in my apartment and just getting it summer ready.

Don't forget to check my out on youtube for the latest videos, etc. Here is a link to my page:

Well, guys I will blog more later on this weekend. Hope you guys have a wonderful day!!!


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